Natural resources, environmental management and Energy solutions project seeks to ensure the protection and management of natural resources like water, forests and land in the refugee camps since these are the vital elements for mankind survival and development. It also aims to ensure that refugee have access to sustainable cooking energy through introducing cost-effective technologies like fabrication and use of improved mud stoves, best cooking practices to reduce firewood consumption rate and likelihood of Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) occurrence in Nduta and Mtendeli refugee camps and surrounding host communities in Kibondo and Kakonko Districts.
The project also focuses on promotion of energy saving technologies, soil conservation, Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) piloting in Mtendeli camp; water sources conservation fostering good relationship between the host community and refugees sharing common natural resources; advocating eco-zonings during camp designs, promoting sustainable wood harvesting, planting trees, supply fire wood to the Persons with Special Needs (PSN) and implement activities that minimize degradation of environment.
The project activities include nurseries and tree planting in camps and surrounding host communities; conducting patrols in and around the camps to prevent tree cutting; creating awareness on environmental education in refugee and host communities; encouraging the use of energy efficient stoves in refugee camps and host communities; conducting conflict resolution between refugees and host communities; encouraging the use of LPG for cooking to minimize the fire wood usage; and installation of rainy water harvesting gutters in T-Shelters.