Honorable Antony Mavunde , Deputy Minister responsible for Labour, Employment and Youth visiting REDESO - Youth and Empowerment Project in Kishapu when the project has supported Youth and Women to establish Green Houses for horticulture
Priority is given to women who traditionally were undermined and had no right of owning anything in their family regardless of their huge initiative and contribution they provide in the family.
In addition, the project assists women and youth enterprise groups to establish saving scheme. Currently about 600 beneficiaries are supported. The project has increased ownership of poor and marginalized women over productive assets in targeted communities; improves business skills, access to employment, finance, markets and/or technologies for poor, marginalized women and youth; and improves ability of poor, marginalized women and youth to cope, respond and recover from stresses and shocks.
The project has created Employment and income creation of TZS. 32,520,000/= to 134 youth and women (95 females and 39 males) as a result of fattening cow, gardening, fish farming, sunflower, crops, and poultry. In addition, the project has strengthened 370 members (268 females and 102 males) who form 20 saving schemes with a total capital of TZS. 93,934,000/=.
The project supported five villages such as Ntobo, Shagihilu, Mwabuma, Negezi and Ndoleleji to acquire 126 Certificate of Customary Right of Occupancy (CCROs) (9 females, 10 males and 107 joints) in 2018.
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