DRR program seeks to build the capacities of local organisations, authorities and communities enabling them to take a leading role to reduce conflict and disaster-related risks; mitigate the risks impact and better prepare to respond in Kishapu and Kibondo districts of Shinyanga and Kigoma Regions respectively. In Kishapu, the project is implemented at three (3) wards and six (6) villages namely: Ngofila ward(Ngofila and Inolelo villages); Kiloleli ward (Kiloleli and Miyuguyu villages) and Itilima ward (Ikoma and Mwamala ‘A’ villages). While in Kibondo, the programme operates in three (3) wards and six (6) villages in Kibondo district, namely; Murungu (Kumbanga and Kumhasha villages), Biturana (Nengo and Biturana villages) and Rusohoko (Rusohoko and Maloregwa villages).
Current impacts of the project: Disaster risk reduction are known and clear to the community. Disaster preparedness and mitigation are clear to all stakeholders . 3 tons of sorghum seeds and 1.8 tons of sunflower were distributed in Kishapu. A total of 12,000 and 79,978 tree seedlings planted in Kishapu and Kibondo respectively.