Through the Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) in the Great Lakes region towards a Leading Role of local Actor project, Four (4) women Community Based Organizations (CBOs) namely : Umoja ni nguvu and Furaisha moyo from Kiloleli ward and Faidika and Iponyamatembe from Ngofila with 53 member where by 46 are Female and 7 are Male members and 318 total beneficiaries were supported by the Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Project to have two(2) Solar driers

The solar drier help drying of sweet potatoes, Cassava and vegetables indirect from the sun rays. The solar driers have improved Food security and nutrition values of Sweet potatoes and vegetables from the community members as they used to dry on the house top, land and rock stone receiving direct heat from the sun rays.

The Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) project intervention aimed at Improving Community Resilience from Destructive Pests and animals of crops through Improved technologies of Post harvesting and food preservation. Watch the video through this link