REDESO is working together with Oxfam in the execution of different projects. Economic empowerment of women and youth is one among of the projects implemented.Women and youth groups have been enhanced in livelihood aspect in the sense of income generating activities such as horticultural production,fish farming, beekeeping and value addition.

Azimio is a youth group at Shagihilu village,the group has 12 members (5 men and 7 women). The group is involving in horticultural production of different vegetables such as tomatoes, chinese, cabbage and so on.As the group continues engaging in vegetable garden faced the challenge of climate change impact like vegetable diseases,hotsun and invasive species such as insects and worms.REDESO and Oxfam introduced greenhouse technology in Kishapu District to women and youth groups in order to increase income of women and youths and intervene the climate change impacts on horticultural production
REDESO also engaged Sokoine University Graduate Cooperation (SUGECO) as the consultant to provide technical support and experience in growing of tomatoes in the greenhouse. Following this technical support, the youth group constructed greenhouse with 15m length and 8m width whereby they managed to plant 285 tomato seedlings in the greenhouse. The group is expecting one tomato seedling to produce at least 12kg of tomatoes making a total of 3,420kg of tomatoes and at most 18kg.If they sell at a price of TZS. 500/= per kg they will get about TZS. 1,710,000/= while if they sell at a price of TZS. 1,000/= per kg they will get a total of TZS. 3,420,000/=.Currently the group has sold 570kg (about 38 buckets of 10litre size) per TSH 1000/=making about TSH 570,000/=and it is the beginning of harvesting.

Good job very inspiring to see how you transformed people’s lives.
God bless you